Monday, September 9, 2024

Not all First Day Covers are the Same- Pay Close Attention


Shown below are two WFUNA 1972 Covers for the 25th Anniversary of the Economic Commision for Europe. At first glance the covers appear to be the same. But, compare the cancels.

The top cover contains the cancel which is catalogued in the Gaines Catalog as M10e. This means that it is a machine cancel. The bottom cover contains a slightly different cancel as is catalogued H-27 handcancel. What makes them different?  Look at the arrangement on the circular date and the spacing between that and the slogan cancel. 

A lesson to learn when looking at covers. Do not categorize the cover strictly by the stamps or the cachet. Look closely at the cancel also. 

Have fun checking for varieties in  your First Day Covers.   Good Collecting! 

Not all First Day Covers are the Same- Pay Close Attention   Shown below are two WFUNA 1972 Covers for the 25th Anniversary of the Economic ...